How should I study for tests and final exams

Do tests and exams freak you out? Do they get really stressful for you? Do you want to perform well and make your scores better? Do you constantly ask yourself how should I study for tests and final exams? If yes, then well congratulations this article is just for you. Here is the plan and all the necessary tips for you to prepare well and overcome all your fears and thus, be a pro at scoring. Some tips for you to study for tests and finals exams Devise a schedule: First of all, all you need to do is to form a systematic timetable and allot time to all the subjects to improve your overall score. Also, it is very important for you to allot more time to the tough subjects and the subjects you are slightly weak at. But no subject should be underestimated as it also affects your overall score and thus, it very important to perform well in all the subjects and prepare for them beforehand. Reward yourself: Yes one cannot study for 12 hours straight and ...